If you need a perfect trek bag and don't want to cut a hole in your pocket, Avi Industries is the place to go. Veteran trekkers swear by their name. Located in Matunga East, these guys make very nice bags. Also available are camera pouches, sleeping bags and some great shoes. The shoes are expensive though. Lots of trek equipment necessary for Himalayan treks, moutaineering and rock climbing equipment and a whole lot of advice too. These guys are trekkers themselves. Extremely comfortable bags with all that compartments you wanted. A big size bag, a small size bag (for small treks), a camera pouch, and a cotton sleeping bag should set you back by about 2000 rupees. But it worth every paisa. Get down at Matunga Station and exit from Kurla side to east. Find a circular face building called Shriji Sadan and look for a small yellow board saying Avi industries. I think they have a website too. No, I do not get commission from them, but rumour is that Ajit gets some. :)) In the picture I am carrying a big size bag, while Ajit is carrying a small size bag.